Friday, February 28, 2020

In today's episode of The Daily, reporter Astead Herndon interviewed Bishop Ted Meyers at a church in South Carolina about black voters' opinions before the South Carolina primary and how Joe Biden appears to have a lead in the state.
Herndon began by asking Meyers about his childhood and his experience growing up as a member of the black community in South Carolina. Meyer's answers gave us insight into why the black vote is important and in what direction it is leaning.
Then Herndon asks Meyers about how he has voted in the past, which tells us how black voters have a history of determining which candidate wins the primary election.
Herndon did a good job of building a story arc with his questions.
I might have asked more questions about what Meyers had heard from others in the black community or why others are voting for Joe Biden. We really only heard his perspective.

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