Saturday, February 8, 2020

CNN reported Saturday that Americans went to the library more than the movies on average during 2019. The reporter, Harmeet Kaur, referenced two reports in her story and made attributions to both several times.
The fist report was a Gallup poll from last year and the source of her data. She ended her lede with "according to a Gallup poll." a few paragraphs later, she paraphrased the report and ends the paragraph in "Gallup said." She attributed her information to Gallup this way about every other paragraph.
The second report she referenced was a Pew Research Center report from 2016. She both paraphrased and quoted the report. he ends the quotes with "the Pew report reads," or "Pew's research found." Most of her attributions end the paragraph, and she makes attributions in a very natural way.

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