Sunday, February 9, 2020

Facebook and Twitter have rejected a request by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to remove a video posted by President Donald Trump that was edited to make it look like she was tearing a copy of his State of the Union address while he honored a Tuskegee Airman and other guests, according to the StarTribune. 
The 5-minute clip shows Pelosi ripping his speech in between shots of him paying tribute to the airman, Charles McGee, and other guests he had invited to the State of the Union, including military families. 
The StarTribune reports Pelosi had actually tore the speech after his State Of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday. 
The decision highlighted the tension between critics who want social media platforms to crack down on the spread of misinformation and others who argue that political speech should be protected, even if it’s deceptive or false, according to the New York Times.
The debate has accelerated during the 2020 presidential campaign, as Democrats in Congress have asked Facebook and other tech companies to take tougher action, while many on the right have fought back, arguing that censorship could stifle conservative viewpoints. 
The New York Times reports both companies have rejected requests for the video to be taken down. Many believe the media should at least be labelled as manipulated on the platforms. Twitter claims they may begin a similar practice of labeling "manipulated media" in the future.

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