Sunday, March 29, 2020

News coverage of Covid-19 analysis

By Rachel Mills

There have been non-stop updates from every major news outlet on the spread of Covid-19 since the outbreak in China at the beginning of the year.

I feel the news media have done a good job emphasising the seriousness of the situation, the importance of taking precautions and keeping the public educated. One thing that bothers me is that I feel like I'm drowning in Covid-19 coverage. It's so refreshing to read a story about something else, even if it's just one a day.

Most citizens know they can find updated numbers and stats online from the CDC or during the nightly news. I don't need to know how many more hundreds are infected every minute.

The stories that have stuck with me have been the stories that shed some positive light on the situation. Like the story about the students shopping for the elderly for free or how more dogs are being fostered during quarantine.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

India struggles to enforce lockdown that left millions stranded and without food

By Rachel Mills 

Thousands of migrant workers are trying to flee India's major cities after a government lockdown designed to prevent an epidemic of coronavirus left them without jobs or pay, according to CNN.

BBC World News reports that according to government statistics, more than nine million migrant workers move from India's rural areas to major cities every year to find work and send money back to their home towns and villages.

The potential mass migration may undermine attempts by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government to prevent the localized spread of the coronavirus, with some workers even attempting to make the journey on foot, due to widespread closures of public transport, according to CNN.

While people are banned from leaving their homes under the "total lockdown" measures, there have been reports of long queues and panic buying as people struggle to get supplies, according to BBC.

Millions have been left jobless and without money by the shutdown. 

BBC also reports there are fears that an outbreak in the country - one of the world's most densely-populated - could result in a catastrophe. So far about 900 are confirmed infected and 20 people are reported to have died.

Experts worry that the real number of infections could be far higher. India has one of the lowest testing rates in the world, although efforts are under way to ramp up capacity, according to BBC. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

The U.S. now has the most confirmed coronavirus cases in the world

By Rachel Mills

In the United States, at least 81,321 people are known to have been infected with the coronavirus as of Thursday — more cases than China, Italy or any other country has seen, according to the New York Times. 

The United States is the world’s third most populous nation, meaning it provides a vast pool of people who can potentially get Covid-19.

The New York Times reports a series of missteps led to the accelerated spread of the virus in the United States. 

These missteps include: a failure to take the pandemic seriously, a flawed effort to provide broad testing for the virus and a dire shortage of masks and protective gear to protect doctors and nurses, as well as ventilators to keep the critically ill alive.

The Washington Post reports the number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide has surpassed 500,000.

The U.S. death toll from the coronavirus has hit 1,000 as of Thursday, according to tracking by The Washington Post, a toll that is increasing at an alarming rate.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The news value in Fauci's speech

By Rachel Mills

The Washington Post published an article Friday about Anthony Fauci and the statements he made during a press conference with the president.

Two news values found in this story are timeliness and prominence.

The coronavirus seems to take up the entire news cycle this month, and any story about the virus or experts on the situation is considered timely. The president held a press conference to give an update and Dr. Fauci was there with his own update as well. It was all up to date information which is relevant news.

Dr. Fauci is the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which makes him a prominent figure on the subject. His appearance shaking his head behind Trump during the press conference has also helped him rise to fame. People are interested in him and what he has to say. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Students in New York amass thousands of volunteers to grocery shop for the elderly and at-risk

By Rachel Mills

Liam Elkind, 20, a junior at Yale University and Simone Policano, 25, an actor, producer and Yale graduate, have come together in New York, heading to pharmacies and grocery stores to shop for the old and at-risk, according to AP News.

ABC reports that in just days, their new organization, Invisible Hands Deliver, has 2,700 volunteers.

Elkind and Policano launched a website where people can request medicine, food and supplies that will be shopped for and dropped off for free.

Grocery and pharmacy orders are placed on the Invisible Hands website. Shoppers must not have traveled out of the country for the virus’ 14-day incubation period, have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have come in contact with anybody who has tested positive, AP reports. 

Invisible Hands also offers phone calls of encouragement to people longing for social connections, according to ABC. 

"I think providing them with [that] in this really uncertain and scary time is important as well," Elkind said.

Friday, March 20, 2020

A new poll finds a majority of Americans approve of Trump's coronavirus management

By Rachel Mills

A new poll released by ABC News Friday shows 55% of Americans approve of President Trump's management of the coronavirus pandemic. The poll shows 43% disapproval.

The poll also shows that three in four Americans agree their lives have been upended by the virus.

This is a shift from last week's ABC poll which showed 43% of Americans approved of Trump's management and 54% disapproved.

Politico reports the president has turned to a more public-facing strategy to combat the affects of the virus and the administration has issued stricter federal guidelines in recent days.

Trump has been widely criticised for his initial response to the pandemic, as well as his administration's inability to quickly ramp up testing across the country, according to Politico. 

ABC also reports that 30% of Democrats approve, which is about double the number from last week’s poll, and 69% disapprove, down from 86%. 

Meanwhile, an overwhelming 92% of Republicans approve, up from 86% last week. Only 8% disapprove, compared to 11% in last week’s poll.